Thursday, November 03, 2005


Tehran fires 40 envoys

"Iran said 40 ambassadors and senior diplomats, including supporters of warmer ties with the West, will be fired, continuing a purge as the regime takes an increasingly tough stance at home and abroad.

The diplomatic changes announced Wednesday are part of a government shuffle by conservative President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that includes putting Islamic hard-liners in key posts at security agencies."

What do you do with someone that is intent on fighting against peace, which is basically what he's doing? Between this and his comments about wiping Israel off the map, how do you respond to this? The UN, in my opinion, probably won't do much. I know that if Iran was sending "Islamic hard-liners" into an embassy that was in my country, I would close the embassy. (Keep in mind that I'm Queen, so I can close the embassy.)

But seriously, assuming that Israel doesn't do something first, how do you deal with this country? He was just elected so it's not like their leader has lost his mind and they need to figure out how to deal with him, the people seem to support him. And it sounds like the people who don't support him are not in a very good position to do something about it right now.


Libby said...

hey, Mary! as co-queen, can I fire Kofi Annan first? Then shut the UN down, too, pleez??
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Mary said...

Go to it Libby!

Anonymous said...

Well, that will be where we end up next.