I had to order bifocals today.
But at least my eyes are still good enough that I can get the invisible line. I'm actually a little disappointed because they had to order them (I go to Lenscrafters - I'm used to getting them in an hour) so I have to wait another two weeks before I can see again. Guess I should have gone in when I started having problems, I would have had new glasses about 6 weeks ago. Yeah..I know. JC finds this quite amuzing. Well, he did, until he realized how expensive my glasses were going to be.
I am planning a few posts but I've been too tied up lately (trying to see) to get to them. I will soon!
Oh, and just a small tangent - what do you all think of finding the Gospel of Judas? I just think it's remarkable that we are finding anything from that time period. I think that's cool. I can't wait until it comes out in the English translation. Just from what I've heard on the news - Judas saying Jesus asked him to betray him - doesn't that just make more sense? If you were one of the apostles, following Jesus, learning from him - would you want to be responsible for him being put to death? Yes, it was in fulfillment of the scriptures, but these were only humans who did not understand yet what was actually happening. But maybe Judas did know and that's why he was able to do it. Should be interesting!