Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Frog Hopping

I want to apologize in advance to my father. I know that this wasn't funny at the time (well, I thought the title moment was funny).

Okay, here goes.

My sister, while in high school, was out with friends and came home... OBVIOUSLY drunk. Like walking into walls drunk. (I think it was H.S. - I can't remember exactly but it was before she was 18). After bouncing off of a couple walls she latched onto the closest still target. Me. So, I proceeded to hold her up as a conversation ensued between her and Dad regarding how she thought it would be a great idea to go to the police department so they could give her a breathalizer because she WAS NOT drunk. Uh huh.

After arguing this point and hearing for the 50th times the words "Your grounded!" I finally got her over to the couch to sit down. The grilling about where she had been began. After several attempts at telling us where she had been, she finally blurted out the ugly truth. She had been frog hopping. Froggie I busted out laughing (for which I got yelled at - but I couldn't help it!). At that point I tried to mediate. I told Dad she wouldn't remember anything he was saying anyway and I should just put her to bed and he could talk to her the next day.

The next morning she woke up, looked at me and said "What happened? All I remember is "you're grounded". When I questioned her about the frog hopping (well, you knew I would!), she had no idea what I was talking about. Talk about disappointment. I was hoping for a demonstration!

I'm so excited!

My sister gave me permission to tell a story from her H.S. years! I'll post tonight, but I'm so excited I had to prep you! Wakka Wakka

I sure hope the story lives up to the hype!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Just an FYI...

My Dad has actually posted! I thought he had abandoned the blog! :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I've been tagged!

I was tagged by Libby! She saved you all from the beginning of my multiple religious posts I'm planning on using to drive you all crazy!

If I was only allowed to keep one plant in my garden which would it be?
It would be a Japanese Red Maple - I know that's a tree, but a tree is a plant right?

If there was only one thing invented in the past 100 years that I was permitted to keep, what would it be?
Uh, computer, duh.

Name 3 animals you saw yesterday (excluding cats and dogs).
Pigeons, black birds, squirrel. What? Give me a break, I don't live on a farm - them are city critters.

Which season do you like the most?
Autumn. I love the leaves, Halloween and the Fall fashions!!!

Name the person who imparted the most wisdom into your life?
My father. Many talks and by example.

And that being said, guess who I'm tagging? Dad! Oops, almost tagged KimmyK again. Good thing I rechecked Libby's post, Kimmy, you almost got tagged twice. LOL

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I know - 2nd post of the day. Do you believe it?

North Koriea fires missiles

"The missiles were launched amid a stalemate in talks over the North Korean nuclear program and at a time when the world's attention has been focused on Iran"

You know why right? Because the focus was on Iran. Pyongyang is like a pre-schooler who has to create havoc when he isn't getting his way. Maybe we should just give him a time out.

...and back to Iran

Iran threatens harm and pain

Iran threatened the United States with "harm and pain" Wednesday for its role in hauling Tehran before the U.N. Security Council'

"The United States has the power to cause harm and pain," said a statement delivered by the Iranian delegation. "But the United States is also susceptible to harm and pain. So if that is the path that the U.S. wishes to choose, let the ball roll." Who says that? Let the ball roll?

Iran also attacked "warmongers in Washington" for what it said was an unjust accusation that Tehran's nuclear intentions were mainly for military use. Excuse me?

Okay, so the nation that recently said it wants Israel wiped off the map is upset because we are accusing them on using their nuclear capabilities for military purposes? Uh huh, get a life. If you don't want to be accused stop hiding what you are doing.

And can I just say that the first time I read the headline I read "Iran threatens U.S. with ham and pain". I had to giggle. And now I need to go make an appointment with my eye doctor....