Sunday, March 24, 2013

Book Review: Crucifying Morality: The Gospel of the Beatitudes

I was very excited to read this book.  I have read the Beatitudes in the Bible (Matthew 5:3-12), but I had never really focused on them.  I thought about them much as the author describes in the beginning of the book – as something to achieve, missing the point of the teaching.  Each verse is studied in detail in Crucifying Morality and I was amazed at how much I learned about the true meaning of each verse as well as what that means to my life.  This book challenged me to take a closer look at myself, my motivations and my faith.  It pointed out, in a different perspective, all that Jesus has done for all of us – whether you believe in him or not.  At times it also touched on what Christianity should look like and what it sometimes looks like instead.  Each chapter has questions at the end to make you think deeper about what you have read.  It would make a great resource for a Bible study small group as well as just an individual read.  Also, the notes will lead you to further reading if you are interested in delving deeper.  My book is well highlighted, not just with notes that I took to heart within the chapters, but also with which books I would like to read stemming from the research that went into this book.

One of the sections of the book I have highlighted really spoke to my heart.  It reads “Jesus came to live the life I should have lived and die the death I should have died.”  It goes on to say that “the Beatitudes simply express what a life profoundly changed by Jesus looks like.”  I would love for my life to look like that.  And I’ve learned that the only way that will happen is to turn to Jesus.  I cannot do anything on my own.  I knew that, but sometimes we just need to be reminded.

*I received a free copy of this book from Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for writing a fair review.*

1 comment:

Shaun Tabatt said...


Thanks for being a part of the blog tour.

Shaun Tabatt
Cross Focused Reviews