Saturday, April 05, 2014

Book Review: Guiltless Living by Ginger Hubbard

Ms. Hubbard does a good job of going through the different types of sin that we encounter – especially from ourselves – in our everyday life.  I have to give her a lot of credit for being so honest and forthright about her own struggles with sin.  The book would not be the same without the personal stories laced within it that, I’m sure, everyone will be able to relate to.  After discussing the sin itself, she goes on to show us how different characteristics of God’s Grace can be learned by reviewing different events within the Bible. She takes a look at how Jesus, David, and others acted when faced with some of the sins that face us today.  Ms. Hubbard then discusses how Christ calls people to live and gives real life examples of what that may look like.

The book is written with humor and candor and because of that you may be more open to see which areas may relate to your life and struggles, where repentance may be needed, where some work may need to be done.  You can take a look at yourself without feeling judged by the author who is very honest about her own struggles.

*I received a free copy of this book from Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for writing a fair review.*

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