Monday, April 06, 2015

Book Review - Honest Evangelism by Rico Tice

I enjoyed this book.  It takes you through why to evangelize, how to evangelize and why you may not be taking that step.  While reading the section on “Why we (still) won’t evangelise”, I kept thinking that the only reason not covered was general shyness and inability to strike up any kind of conversation with others.  As I read further, however, I began to realize that if it was important enough to you – if you considered that the people around you may end up in hell if you did not talk to them about Jesus’ saving grace – it may motivate you to take that leap of faith and share.  One comment in particular made me stop and think, “To become a Christian is neither convenient nor comfortable. It means no longer living for ourselves but for Jesus.”  

The author also gives you examples of different types of people and how they witness.  This was also helpful to make me think about what kind of witness I am.  This has been a topic that has been on my mind recently and this book helped me to work through all the ideas and questions that had needed to be processed. 

*I received a free copy of this book from Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for writing a fair review.*

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