Friday, April 03, 2015

Someone has died for you

Today always makes me consider what Jesus has done for me.  Quite frankly, I have a hard time wrapping my head around it.  Think about this - Jesus died for you.  He died for you before you were born, without knowing if you would ever accept him, He died for you.  Did you catch that part - without knowing if you would ever accept him.  Yes, Jesus died for EVERYONE.  He took on the sins and died for every last person.  All we have to do is accept this gift of life - everlasting life. 

There is a Heaven and a Hell.  I like to imagine what heaven will be like but I feel like we get a little taste of hell on earth.  Think about it, watch the news.  All the hatred, all the violence, all the intolerance - did I mention the hatred?  Take all the good that tries to balance the evil out of the world and leave all that darkness.  I think we're pretty good at creating our own hell.  And like Heaven will be so much better than we can imagine, hell will be so much worse - so how bad will it be?  Consider the evil and darkness of this world without hope.  No second chances, no turning back.

Personally, I want to look towards that Hope.  I want to accept Jesus' gift - and that is what it is, a gift.  We cannot get into Heaven or be saved on our own.  We need to accept God's gift of Grace.  We need to ask for forgiveness, give our lives over to God and accept the gift.  It's there for EVERYONE.  Why would you not want to accept a gift of amazing love?  everlasting life?  

Please consider it.  I pray that if you haven't accepted Jesus as your Savior, that you will today. At least consider it.  He loved you enough to die for you.  Don't you think that at least merits looking into what He has to offer you?

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