Monday, February 22, 2010

Yes, I am here.

I can't believe that my last post was February 9th.  I have continued with the daily reading that was my plan to write about, but the lesson plans for the new book we're using in our Tuesday night class, the Mountain Movers, is taking up more time than I realized it would.  It's very interesting and I'm learning alot...wait....wasn't I the one teaching it?....  but I think I'm learning more than the girls.  

We're studying the Bible and how it is translated for all different languages.  But we are also learning that it is God-breathed, if it has mistakes, what it's about, why God gave it to us.  It's actually not a bad lesson plan for adults.  :)   I may do a blog post or two about these lessons (since I'm learning more than I can share with my age group).  

But I think I may try to catch up on Acts first...but now I need to finish my lesson plan. :)

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