Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My head hurts from this idiot - Edited to Add Apology - no not from me!

It feels like I just put up my last blog entry about the Sudan, but this came up and I just had to get back on my soapbox.

The Mayor of New Orleans Profound Words - yeah right

"Nagin also promised that New Orleans will be a "chocolate" city again. Many of the city's black neighborhoods were heavily damaged by Katrina."

"It's time for us to come together. It's time for us to rebuild New Orleans — the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans," the mayor said. "This city will be a majority African American city. It's the way God wants it to be. You can't have New Orleans no other way. It wouldn't be New Orleans."

A radio station I was listening to this morning swapped out every reference to black or chocolate with white or vanilla. It sounded like the speaker was a Klan member. How do people get elected into public office with this kind of mentality? Oh, and it is of course only my opinion (although that's what counts around here since it's my blog) but I'm pretty sure that God wanted New Orleans to be UNDERWATER!!!!. God didn't build the levies, man did.

"Mayor Ray Nagin suggested Monday that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and other storms were a sign that "God is mad at America" and at black communities, too, for tearing themselves apart with violence and political infighting."

Why is it that God would be mad at America (and his reason for this was Iraq) but not at the rest of the world? Millions of innocent people in the Sudan are without homes because they weren't the "right" religion, the idiot in Iran wants to wipe ISRAEL (remember God's chosen people) off the face of the earth - and may get a chance if he gets the nuclear bomb that he just has to be trying for off the drawing board and yet God is mad at America?

The world is lucky that God has infinite patience, because if I were him I would have left to start a new civilization somewhere else.

"Mayor C. Ray Nagin apologized Tuesday for a Martin Luther King Day speech in which he predicted that New Orleans would be a "chocolate" city again and said "God was mad at America."

"I said some things that were totally inappropriate. . . . It shouldn't have happened," Nagin said, explaining he was caught up in the moment as he spoke to mostly black spectators, many of them fearful of being shut out of the rebuilding.

Nagin, who is black, said his comments about God were inappropriate and stemmed from a private conversation he had with a minister earlier. "I need to be more sensitive and more aware of what I'm saying," he said.

The mayor said his speech really was meant to convey that blacks were a vital part of New Orleans' history and culture and should be encouraged to return."

So how long do you think it took one of his advisors to beat him into submission? Or do you think he reads my blog??? :P


Anonymous said...

Hale Queen Mary!!! You nailed that one right on the head. I loved your response God wanted New Orleans to be UNDERWATER. How right you are:) Don't you know...America is evil. Everyone is so quick to point the finger at us Americans, but fail to take a good long look at the rest of the world. I'm so tired of hearing how we Americans adopt Russian children just so we can abuse and murder them! Sorry I got off on a rant. I'll be quiet now and scamper away.

Anonymous said...

Ok I have one more thing to add. I read the article. Is the guy joking he had an imaginary conversation with Martin Luther King. First of all, he better go sign up for a rubber room and secondly, admitting in public that you have imaginary conversations makes you look crazy. Now I'm done.

Mary said...

Debbie, feel free to rant. I like it better when I know people are reading the posts. :)

Anonymous said...

We are the evil ones. Everything in this world is our fault. Don't you know that???? And I have to agree with you Mary, I would have started a new civilization somewhere else too. Who knows, maybe we are the "crash test dummy" version and when we are all wiped out He will make improvements. :) Something to think about. It amazes me that stupidity is a gene allowed to be dominant! Of course, if there weren't such idiotic things to discuss in the world... You wouldn't have "When I'm Queen"...

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that is really an apology, just his advisors as you mentioned. They probably sat there during the speech shaking their heads in their hands. And no, I don't believe he reads your blog! It still doesn't explain his imaginary conversation with MLK! So there's still that to make fun of! :)