Friday, January 20, 2006

Okay, who's going to take France's nukes from them?

Chirac threatens nuclear response

"President Jacques Chirac said Thursday that he would consider a nuclear response to a large, state-backed terrorist strike against France."

Europe's response to Chirac

"Jacques Chirac is an idiot," chided Belgian daily De Morgen in an editorial. "He lives in a time where France is no longer a world power, but he's still acting as if prolonging a Napoleonic dynasty."

Okay, I admit, I was going to post the first article with an article about Iran moving it's assets out of Europe, which, to me, makes it look like something may be happenning. BUT, when I saw Europe's response (especially the line I copied) to Chirac's speech, I had to post that for my husband. I thought he'd get a kick out of that. He's not a big fan of the French government (neither am I).


Anonymous said...

we won't be helping them defend themselves right?????

Weebs said...

After last weeks blog of which there was more information than I ever wanted to know, I have returned to blog land. Chirac can't control a riot, imagine a nuke shoot out.

Oh by the way the hamster is the Mr "T" of the hamster world and the snake doesn't want to be come a necklace.

Libby said...

Yeah, of course Chirac can handle firing off an atomic long as it's not headed TOWARD France!!