Friday, September 09, 2005

AAAhhhh - Need to vent

When I am Queen generalizations of groups of people will be outlawed. I hate hearing "all fill in ethnicity", "all yuppies"... you get it, pretty much "all anything" makes me crazy. Today I was reading a blog which had a comment attached basically saying that there were NO working mothers that have been able to strike a balance between work and family. That ticked me off. It's not that I have the perfect balance, and I don't claim that it can definitely be achieved, but who are you to tell me that it can't?
I have never understood the animosity between stay at home mothers and working mothers. I feel that everyone has to do what's right for them and their family and that's that. I don't judge anyone (for being a stay-at-home Mom) and I don't need to be judged by anyone, let alone someone who doesn't have enough imagination to think that there's no one out there who can handle the working mom thing. Is it hard? Sure. Do you miss stuff? Sure. Are the children scarred for life? NOOO!
Yeesh. It's not a crime, it's a lifestyle. Live your own life and let everyone else live theirs!
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.


Libby said...

i agree with this too! mary, i have a great idea! can i please be your 'co-queen'? i'll leave the 'off with his/her head' to you, but can i please put stupid people in the stockades??
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Mary said...

You can, of course, be co-queen, but I just said on your blog that I was going to vote for you to run the "Common Sense" party. Which would you prefer?