Sunday, September 04, 2005

When I'm Queen ...

  1. Proven child abusers and rapists will immediately face a firing squad.
  2. There will be laws against stupidity when someone other than the stupid person is affected adversely.
  3. Iran and North Korea will be in a very lengthy if not permanent time-out.
  4. We will not enter into any war without a detailed exit strategy.
  5. We will not use the National Guard like active duty soldiers. I know that they signed up to serve, but remember they have other careers and 18 month extensions are not fair. (Okay, VERY biased on this one.)

These are a few of my beliefs, I'll have to spend some time working on others....


Libby said...

the only big thing i'd change is, if they decide the child molestor should be in jail, he should be put in the general population, and his only outfit is a pink shirt...gets rid of the nice, clean, sterile needle-in-the-arm, go to sleep kind of thing. Voila! cheap & quick!!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Mary said...


I'll have to bow to your idea, I like it much better than mine!