Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Okay, I'm taking this one request. I've been studying religion on and off now for almost two years trying to decide what exactly I believe in. I know that I believe in God and Jesus but that's pretty much the extent of it. I am currently re-reading the Bible, the Catholic version this time (New American Bible). I was raised Catholic and am really trying to find a path from the Bible to Catholic teachings. Some are obvious, some not so much.
I'm going to go off on a tangent on this blog at times (not every post) and pick a religious topic and ask for feed back on what others think. I am going to try to be somewhat specific because we'll already be on a tangent. We'll see how it goes.
Due to the nature of the world today, especially in the aftermath of Katrina, I think Revelation may be a good place to start. Although we're basically starting at the end, we may not have all the time in the world to start at the beginning. Besides, most of the beginning is a history lesson anyway, right? Okay, stop yelling at me.
I am willing to let anyone with any religious background (or none) have a voice, however, this is a family blog, so I will not tolerate disrespect or rudeness. I have no problem deleting comments. It is, after all, my blog and when I'm not asking religious questions - don't forget - I'm Queen.
I will try to post something specific at a later time when I have a chance to sit with the Bible for a little while. Or - if you want to start a conversation on Revelation in general, feel free to comment.

1 comment:

Libby said...

mary...wish i could help, but i'm sure you know a lot MORE about religion than i do! but i'll be looking forward to other comments on this!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!