Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Um... Political Penquins?,1,5630283.column?coll=chi-news-col

"While investigating the sexual politics of penguins and the hit movie "March of the Penguins," I discovered a startling penguin-related psychosexual development.Even though the mainstream media have ignored this news, I am compelled to report it here, to you, today:Roy and Silo, the two famous gay penguins at New York's Central Park Zoo, are no longer a pair. Silo has gone straight."

"Conservative humans have apparently been flocking to "March of the Penguins," telling their friends to see it, extolling penguin family values.This caused the Times to sniff loudly on Tuesday, in another penguin-related article, "March of the Conservatives: Penguin Film as Political Fodder."Yet there was no mention in the story of Roy and Silo breaking up.Still, conservatives were eager to please and provided many quotes to reinforce the theme that conservatives have turned the movie's "stirring depiction of the mating ordeals of emperor penguins into an unexpected battle anthem in the culture wars."The film "most passionately affirms traditional norms like monogamy, sacrifice and child rearing," film critic and conservative talk-radio host Michael Medved was quoted as saying, adding that conservative audiences yearn for such themes."

Okay, I saw March of the Penquins. While I was completely awed by what penquins have to go through to survive, I did not once think politics while I was watching this. And can I just say, I had absolutely no idea that gay penquins were living in Central Park!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it just a movie about penguins? How did it turn into politics? Its just about penguins! And I'm with ya, I had nooooooooo idea about gay penguins in Central Park. IS IT WRONG I SAY???? :)