Tuesday, September 13, 2005

September 14th

When I'm Queen... people will be able to stay perpetually 29... or 39, I'd settle for 39. Bye-bye 39! Bye Bye


Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon (have to post in both). You are only as old as you act right? So that should put you at about what? 12? LOL KIDDING! KIDDING!

Libby said...

....12? katie must LOVE having playmate like you!!
Honestly, I bawled my eyes out back in Dec, 2004, when I turned 40! Especially because Kev was still 38! And now he's only 39...but I'm still 40! SHIT!! As co-queen, I vote for 27!!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Mary said...

Twenty-seven it is, your co-majesty!